WORLD CITIZEN شهروند نصف جهاني

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Zahra Kazemi

بازتاب گسترده اطلاعات منتشر شده از طرف دکتر شهريار اعظم که زهرا کاظمي را معاينه کرد در تلويزيون کانادا را همراه با کليپ ويدويي ايبجا ببينيد. اين هم عکسي که يکي از اصلي ترين روزنامه هاي کانادا با توضيحات کامل در روي صفحه اولش انداخته. دکتر اعظم پس از پناهندگي خود و خانواده اش به کانادا در يک کنفرانس خبري جزييات وحشتناک شکنجه بدني و تجاوز جنسي در زندان جمهوري اسلامي زير نظر قاضي مرتضوي را فاش کرد. قاضي مرتضوي و ارباباش از اين کثافت کاري ها زياد کردند. اميدوارم خون اين يکي گردنشون را بگيره

In the picture you can see the well-done front page by Globe and Mail today. This prestigious newspaper once more reminded every one of the brutalities of the right-wing fraction of Islamic Republic in the judiciary of Iran. This is the legacy of Saeed Mortazavei the chief prosecutor of Tehran. Islamic judiciary of Iran's government has victimized countless of Iranian journalist, political activists and students with similar inhuman methods. Supreme Leader of Iran is the one really responsible for all this, because, not only he supported the chief prosecutor but also ordered his appointment to this position from a low level judge with a history of abuse, oppression and violating human rights. Here is the CBC televison report on it. Click on the picture for enlargement.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Presidential Election(11)

بحث نيک آهنگ و ياسر از اون نوع بحثهايي ست که تا شب انتخابات رياست جمهوري هزار بار ديگه هم در خواهد گرفت. از اين جهت که من اين دو تا رفيق را هفته اي يک بار تو تورنتو مي بينم شايد راحت تر بتونم يک چيزي اضافه کنم. حرف از اونجا شروع مي شه که يک طرف ميگه بايد به اصلاح طلبها (دکتر معين )راي داد. اون طرف ميگه چه فايده مگه خاتمي چي کار کرد؟ راي دادن فقط به نظام مشروعيت مي ده. باز اين طرف ميگه تجربه ثابت کرده که تحريم انتخابات هيچ فايده اي نداشته و ۴۵ تا ۵۰ درصد مردم هميشه راي داد ند. پس هم نظام مشروعيتش را از دست نداده هم کار افتاده دست يک عده عوضي-نمونه اش شهردار تهران که همين ۴ تا فرهنگسراي تهران را هم که جوونها يک نفسي توش مي کشيدند کرده عين مسجد- باز اين طرف مي گه اين اصلاح طلبها اصلا اصلاح طلب نيستند؛ بلکه همون شکنجه گران قديمي هستند که از کارهاي ده ساله اول انقلاب معذرت هم نخواسته اند. باز اينوري ها ميگند بابا آدم ها تغيير مي کنند ,مثالش هم آدمهايي تو ما يه آقاي تاجزاده که پاي حرفشون با توجه به فشارها ايستاده اند. اون چيزي که توي همه اين حرفها داره گم ميشه اين پرسش براي طرفداران راي ندادن است که آلترانتيو آنها چيست؟ اگه همه نشستيم خونه و مثلا آدم خطرناکي مثل لاريجاني -يا حتي هاشمي- با ۱۰ ميليون راي رييس جمهور شد؛ آيا ذره اي ما به هدفمون که عقلاني کردن حاکميت و بهبود وضعيت مردم است نزديک شده ايم؟ من نمي گم معين بهترين گزينه است و مثلا اگه رييس جمهور شد همه مشکلات حل می شه ..نه ولي به هر حال بهتر از کساني ست که جز به باد دادن منابع ملي؛ کشتار و زندان مخالفان سياسي و افزايش فشار اجتماعي بر زنان و جوانان هيچ هنر ديگري ندارند

As Nazli said There are two good Iranian restaurants in down town Toronto. One is Tempus, that our friend Pendar kindly made a website for it and the other is Anar which doesn't have a website.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

آرزوهاي ملت ايران را از زبان اصغر بيچاره بشنويد. فيلم ايراني زياد مي بينم ولي اسم همه هنرپيشه ها را بلد نيستم؛ کسي از آقاي بيچاره عکسي داره؟

Presidential Election(10)

Some ideas regarding Nehzateh Azadi party -the liberation movement political party- and its leader Dr. Yazdi occurred to me. I'll let you know if it worked. As many of you know this old political party that has almost always been barred from running in elections in the last 25 years for its democratic views and its peaceful opposition to what the clerics have done, has once more nominated its party leader, Dr. Yazdi to run again. Obviously they wont let him run this time either, but he can use this opportunity and raise some serious issues. My idea is related to him, but again stay put, I'll write about it here in case it worked or even if it didn't.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Well, here is what we did on first day of Norooz, In York University, North Of Toronto. We had billboards that we got from our friends in University of Toronto which had pictures and short articles about Iran's History, Traditions, Art and Cinema, and of course a Norooz table(Haft Sin), and I am standing in the middle and observing!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Some Iranians like Mr. Sazgara want to become Iran's Chalabi!

اين دست گلي که آقاي سازگارا به آب داده اينقدر شوره که بعد از حسين درخشان و نيک آهنگ کوثر صداي ابوالحسن جان هم که البته حرفهاي دري وري -به قول اصفهاني ها- زياد زده توي اين ۲۵ سال ؛ در آمده. آخه يکي نيست بگه اگه مردم توي ايران هم خبر دار نمي شوند ما که مي شويم! آخه انستيتو ي مطالعات خاور نزديک اسم مخفف است براي راست گرايانه تند رو طرفدار حمله به ايران که حرف آخر را در سياست خارجي جورج بوش مي زنند. اون وقت آقاي سازگارا بلند شده به دعوت اينها آمده آمريکا!!! .....بيچاره آدمهايي مثل دکتر ملکي و علي افشاري که پاي طرح رفراندم سازگار را امضا کردند احتمالا هيچ کدوم نمي دونستند که برنامه اصلي چيه. اين هم اشاره ابوالحسن: "آقای بنی صدر در خصوص اقدامات آقای سازگارا و طرح رفراندوم گفت: آقای سازگارا فکر می کند که یک کرزای است و رفته با آمریکائیها مذاکره کرده و یک قانون اساسی هم نوشته که تمام اختیاراتی که آقای خامنه ای بعنوان ولی فقیه حتی هنوز ندارد را به نخست وزیری داده که در واقع برای خودش خواهد بود(در صورتیکه آمریکائیها کمکش کنند). بیست و پنج سال پیش که من داوطلب ریاست جمهوری بودم وقت تبلیغات رادیویی تعیین کردند من رفتم رادیو ایشان و یک جوان دیگری را برای مصاحبه تعیین کرده بودند اما بعد که شروع کردند فهمیدم این یک مصاحبه نیست بلکه یک بازجویی است تا از من اعتراف بگیرند که من مخالف ولایت فقیه هستم تا به استناد آن که آقای خمینی گفته مخالف ولایت فقیه نمی تواند نامزد بشود پس نامزدی من ملغی شود، آنوقت ولایت فقیه ایشان خمینی بود امروز ولایت ایشان آقای بوش شده ، جوانان خیلی مواظب باشن

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Presidential Election(9)

حرفهاي الپر را خوندم؛ به خدا هرچي سعي مي کنم نمي تونم خودم را قانع کنم که اصلاح طلبها اينقدر امکانات ندارند که يک سايت در حد کروبي بزنند که دست کم يک ظاهر آبرومندانه داشته باشه و يک باندي بگيرند که روزنامه اقبال و اين سايت معين هر ۵ دقيقه پا درهوا نشه! آخه الپر جان مگه يک طراحي مدرن و اساسي و يک آدمي که تمام وقت استخدام بشه چقدر خرج داره؟ دو هزار دلار؟ پنج هزار دلار؟ ده هزار دلار؟ اگه جبهه مشارکت اينقدر اعتبار نداره که بره پيش چهار تا آدم ثروتمند و علاقه مند و بيست ميليون پول بگيره براي تمام فعاليت هاي روي اينترنت؛ واقعا درش را تخته کنه سنگين تره.اين را جدي ميگم؛ ما که سه سال بيشتر نيست که خارج هستيم اينقدر اعتبار داريم که با چند روز وقت گذاشتن مي تونيم ده هزار دلار پول جمع کنيم؛ هشت سال اينها تو قدرت چي کار مي کردند؟ نمي خوام برم جزو اونها که فقط ايراد مي گيرند. توي هر چهار تا انتخابات هم از دو خرداد تا هيجده خرداد تااونجايي که توانستم وقت گذاشتم. حالا هم اگه ما مي توانيم کاري بکنيم ؛بگو تا انجام بديم. دير هم نشده؛ معين بايد يک وب سايت اساسي و مدرن بزند

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Presidential Election(8)

وقتي توي دسامبر در مجله قاصدک يک مقاله نوشتم درباره انتخابات رياست جمهوري فکر نمي کردم کسي جدي بگيرد اين پيشنهاد را. پيشنهادم اين بود که اگر هر چي آدم حسابي هست را رد صلاحيت کردند؛ مردم مي توانند ميليوني شرکت کنند و راي سفيد بدهند؛ اگه از قبل هم اعلام بشه که راي سفيد به چه معناست اون وقت مي توان اين انتخابات را با حداقل هزينه به يک رفراندم تبديل کنيم. اين چند روزه خيلي درس داشتم و فرصت نکردم گويا نيوز را بخونم؛ امروز ديدم آقاي سحر خيز هم پيشنهاد راي سفيد داده و البته لباس و پرچم سفيد هم چاشنيش کرده که به نظر من هزينه سياسي به مردم تحميل مي کند و لزومي هم نداره.شباهت استدلال را ببينيد؛ آقاي سحر خيز گفته: " شما فكر مي كنيد كه اگر تعداد آراي سفيد شمارش شده در صندوق هاي راي بالاتر از آراي نفر اول انتخابات فرمايشي باشد اين فرد مي تواند بر صندلي رياست جمهوري لحظه اي بنشيند؟"...من گفته بودم: " فرض کنید نیروهای اصلاح‌طلب، احزاب و نهادهای مدنی با برنامه‌ریزی مشخص می‌توانستند با استفاده از نیروهای میانی مانند دانشجویان و طبقه‌ی متوسط، شعار شرکت گسترده در انتخابات اخیر مجلس و دادن رأی سفید را تبلیغ کنند و برای مثال سي میلیون از چهل و هشت میلیون واجد شرایط را پای صندوق‌های رأی آورده و 20 میلیون رأی سفید اخذ کنند. آیا در چنین شرایطی مجلس انتصابی هفتم کمترین مشروعیتی برای تشکلی جلسه داشت؟".. همين که اين بحث داره ميان اصلاح طلبان داخل ايران طرفدار پيدا مي کنه برام جالب بود

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Last 48 hours in US politics is one to watch and feel disgusted even more by right wing religious fundamentalist Christians, they are so powerful that they rallied Republicans in the congress to hold an emergency meeting to pass a law, not to combat terrorism or to aid people affected by a natural disaster, but to allow federal courts to get involved with a case of a brain dead body of 15 years and overturn the Florida court ruling that ordered to end the suffering of this body. And then Bush flies from Texas on midnight Sunday to sign the bill! I really find it ridicules and hypocritical when the very same congress had on the very same day passed a bill to cut millions of dollars for social programs such as giving care to disable people, And Bush, he is the same person who didn’t bother flying to the white house when he got a report back in August 2001 saying: "Al-Quida planning to strike US.",
And no matter how this story ends, this is a win win situation for Bush and Republicans, They have once more proven to be the one sharing their-religious right- "values", let alone that this recent example of "value" (pro-life) basically says: "doesn’t matter if you are poor or you don’t have health care or you are a dead body with no feeling and a heart beating, what matters is that you have to stay "ALIVE"! at all circumstances(doesnt apply to Iraqis or people of Africa who die of Aids every minute or...), And the worse part of the story is that just yesterday another Columbine like shooting happened in another school in Minnesota and 9 students were killed again by a kid, only this time it is in a "native (Indian) reserve area" and you can see how media in US are so slave to ratings-if not racist- that they are paying the least of attention to this tragedy and wasting so much prime time news on this court case.

Monday, March 21, 2005


علي تمدن را يک نيم ساعت کاليفرنيا که رفته بودم ديدم. حسين و چند وب لاگ نويس ديگه هم بودند. تازه وبلاگم را شروع کرده بودم. بچه با حال و مهمان نوازي به نظر مي رسيد. مدتي ست که من هم در حيرت وقاحت, زکاوت و ناز کردن هاي خنده آور هاشمي هستم. اما اين مطلب علي تمدن- دلم براي علي ها مي سوزه؛ملت هميشه با فاميل صداشون مي کنند- را ببينيد؛ خيلي با حاله

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Happy Norouz(The Persian New Year)

مامان و بابا؛ مادر و مامان جون خاله ها عمه ها و عمو ها دختر خاله ها و پسر خاله ها دختر عمو ها و پسر عمو ها؛ دوستهاي نازنينم در ايران کانادا و آمريکا نورزوتون پيروز ؛ جاي همتون پاي سفره هفت سين من خالي

Saturday, March 19, 2005

To Bush and the Iranian Supreme Leader, Khamenei:

March 19th, 1951. Dr. Mosadeq, Then a member of Parliament marked a historic victory for Iranian people and nationalized the oil industry and drove the British oil company out. 2 month later he was the prime minister of Iran and of course US/UK backed military coup brought him down 28 month later and supported the king again. And till this date, our nation is still under the oppression of dictators after dictators, and also has to face the danger of another kind of foreign intervention. I think it is a good move that some of our blogger friends called today, march 19th the "national sovereignty day" and asked all of us to post HANDS OFF IRAN slogan on top of here, but I think we have to make it clear that by HANDS we mean both Iranian supreme leader's hands that is providing excuse for US to start another aggression and neo conservative's hands in Washington who are equally insan. Today even Mr. Abtahi questioned the necessity of enrichment uranium and this whole technology in his blog. So I as one who sees no point in creating tension in the expense of Iranian people just so that our unpopular regime gets to stay in power, will say: HANDS OFF IRAN both to KHAMAMEI and BUSH.

Friday, March 18, 2005

از دست اين نازلي. بابا به خدا من کسي را دعوت نکردم. من عاشق نوروزم و همه رسم و رسومات را حتي در غياب مامان و بابام به جا مي آورم- يک هفته ست دارم خونه را مي سابم- از پارسال به قول سياوش به بر و بچه ها پيشنهاد کرديم که اگر خانواده اينجا ندارند؛ روز اول نوروز را دور هم جمع شويم. خونه ما جاش بيشتره؛ گفتيم هر کي يک چيزي بياره(از نوشيدني غير حلال گرفته تا يک غذاي کوچولو براي مزه) نازلي هم با هنر سرشارش يک ماهي درست خواهد کرد کفه همتو ن ببره.(خودمم اوساي سفره هفت سينم) خلاصه دعوت اونطوري نبوده. هر کي اومد قدمش روي تخم چشم ماهي! اگر هم نديديمتون؛ نوروزتون مبارک و ايشالا سال جديد سالي سرشار از هر چي دلتون مي خواد باشه.به ويژه بابام سالم تر از هميشه به تدريس ادامه بده

Thursday, March 17, 2005

14 years imprisonment for blogger overturned..

Remember this post? As I and many others predicted, Mr. Arash Sigarchi's verdict of 14 years imprisonment was so ridicules that he was released a few hours ago only one month after that court ruling was issued. Here is his interview with BBC Persian just after his freedom.

This is the MEILAD tower, Iran's version of CN tower, in capital Tehran. They have been building this for ages now. All of a sudden today Shargh Newspaper in Tehran posted this picture in a page that was very similar to its on line version and below it had a news about how the tower is about to collapse in result of heavy rains in the last few days. Some of my friends took it seriously at first, but then by looking at the other news in this page, one could tell that it was a joke. I am still not sure if this is a creative job by Shargh staff or some body else is teasing them!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

قابل توجه آقاي ابطحي! ديشب تو تورنتو چهار شنبه سوري با حضور بيش ده هزار ايراني در يکي از پارکهاي اصلي شهر برگزار شد. ۴ تا آتش که هر کدام را يک گروه ايراني اداره ميکرد(کانون دانشجوها سالمندان.) بر پا شد. چند مامور آتش نشاني هم کنار ايستاده بودند که مبادا کسي در حال پريدن توي آتش بيفتد. نماينده شوراي شهر هم از اول آنجا بود. اين هم يک عکس در حال پريدن

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


به نظر من اين خيلي پيشنهاده خوبي ست که تا وقت داريم به اينجا بريم و از گوگل بخواهيم که لوگوشون را براي نوروز تغيير بدهند. من اين متن را نوشتم؛ شما هم چند ثانيه وقت بگذاريد و چند کلمه به زبان خودتان بنويسيد

As an Iranian who uses Gmail, blogspot, Orkut and Google's search engine, I like to ask you to consider adding some of our New Year symbols to google's logo on March 20th as you did in Chinese new years and other occasions. Our new years is called "Norouz" and starts with the beginning of spring on March 20th and is also declared "The Earth Day" by the UN, is celebrated by millions of Iranians, Afghanis and people of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kurdish population of Iraq and Turkey. Over 150 million people in the world do celebrate this event. Grass, Gold fish in bowl and flowers are the main symbols of our new years table. You can find them on line and use them in the logo if you decided to do so.

thank you
Bahman Kalbasi

Monday, March 14, 2005

One of the customs of Norooz is that we have to clean our house from top to bottom in the days leading to the Iranian new years,
what happens when 3 sons are suppose to do that in the absence of the Mother? The first phase starts, but then it remains the way you see in the pic.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Important new developments; Another WAR?

Just hours ago London Times of UK, published a news article about Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister issuing initial authorization for an air attack to Iran. This being published in London times as a legitimate source is extremely worrying. I also saw this analysis about the news, that claimed Iranian officials have come to the table with some new compromises such as giving up most of their fuel cycle.
Therefore, there are a few possibilities here, first one that this news was published merely for the purpose of scaring Islamic Republic in these crucial moments of negotiations. Iran is in a position that can have a limited response to Israel in case of an attack and that would be a complete disaster for Israeli and Iran. So I always doubted that Israelis would do that themselves. Unless the plan is for the US to get involved only if Iran tried to retaliate.

Second possibility: one could argue that Iran does not like to do any thing under the pressure posed by Israel, so if in fact as Direland reports, our regime is finally realizing how dangerous this path is and have decided to give up the fuel cycle for now, then this news could be that wants to disturb this process forward as well, because some war mangers in US and Israel would not like to see a real deal made, so every time Iran comes close to signing an agreement, they would leak such information to the main media outlets, so Iran would be seen by its own public and others to be frightened by Israel and that is the last thing ideologue clerics in Tehran would want to be seen as. So they might pull back from their initial attempts to compromise.
Either way, I think the ball is in our governments field, they can still get us out of this mess if they are not so selfish and stupid. A bloody fuel cycle is not worth our stability and security and peace in the region.

Friday, March 11, 2005

با اينکه اينجا هنوز برف مي آيد ولي صبح که بيرون مي رفتم چه چه زدن و آواز خواندن پرنده ها نزديک شدن بهار را نويد مي داد.اين هم ساعت و روز سال تحويل نوروز 1384 و روز کره زمين و البته تورنتو

I think this is an extremely important article written by one of the most committed and responsible journalists of today Iran. Mr. Zeid Abadei, he explained the options clearly. Although I don't concur with him in his final solution, because if as he says Iranian Government views the halting of enrichment process as a life and death issue , that life and death to me sounds like staying in power or not, and opening the way for a truly free election also means giving up some power which is perhaps the same since they will be less in control. Anyhow here is the version I uploaded to my Persian blog, so in case you are in Iran and the web site is blocked, you can see it HERE.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

قربون آقاي مزروعي نماينده سابق مجلس برم که شهروند نصف جهاني=اصفهاني بودنش را در جاي جاي وبلاگش به اطلاع عموم مي رساند؛ ايشان امروز نوشته اند: واقع اينكه براي گذران زندگي سخت گرفتار كارم و بخشي از اوقاتم نيز به فعاليت در نهادهاي مدني به صورت مفت و مجاني مي‌گذرد(‌ كه به قول برخي عقلا، نه به درد دنيا مي‌خورد و نه به درد آخرت!). هيچ وقت يادم نميره يک روز رفته بودم ستاد انتخابات کنار هتل کوثر(کوروش سابق) که ديدم جناب مزروعي پاشنه کفشش را خوابانده و وضو گرفته از دستشويي بيرون مي آيد؛ به شوخي گفتم جناب مزروعي اين بچه هاي شيک اين دور و زمونه اين مدل کفش پوشيدن را ببينند راي نميدهند ها؟ با همان لهجه اصفهاني گفت: مگه مدلش چشه؟ تازه کسي که مي خواد برا مدلي کفش راي بدد..همون بهتر که ندد.......اين قسمت"كوتاه درباره خودم"هم که آخرشه در مورد سوابق سياسي نوشتند: در مبارزه عليه رژيم استبدادي و وابسته، پهلوي شركت داشته و در اين مسير تا مرز مجروح شدن در تظاهرات و زندان به پيش رفت....يکي به من بگه اين "تا مرز" چه صيغه ايه ديگه؟ يا آدم مجروح شده يا نشده ؛ زندان رفته يا نرفته! ديگه مرزش کجاست را فقط يک اصفهاني ميتواند تشخيص دهد. سه فرزند به نام‌هاي حنيف، حمزه و ضحي هم دارد. فکر کنم حمزه يا حنيف را يک بار توي ولي عصر(مصدق و پهلوي سابق) ديدم؛ بنده خدا را ببينيد و قرار باشه اسمش را حدس بزنيد ميگيد کامبيزي؛ داريوش خلاصه توي اين مايه ها..ناقافل حمزه! از انصاف نگذريم ايشان و آقاي دکتر شيرزاد روي هم رفته روي من يکي را که در ستادشون سال ۷۸ کمک کردم؛ با شجاعت هايي که نشان دادندتوي مجلس سفيد کردند. نتيجه گيري بي ربط: اصفهاني ها خايه دار تر از يزدي ها هستند

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Good for a laugh!

Laugh at this one for now Rafsanjani and Bill Gaits!

Oh and by the way Dr. Moeein lunched his official web site, It has no creativity in it and it looks like Emrooz web site, Also it doesn't have an English version which is kind of shameful!

March 8th and Norooz

March 8th is International Women Day. Today I am sooo stressed out , I have so many papers in the next 22 days and Norooz(Persian new years) is only 13 days a way and I haven't done any thing at all, the house has to be cleaned from top to bottom before the new years and of course I have to fight with my brothers to help! I have to do major shopping for it and I really don't know when I could find time to do that, this is when I really need my Mom to be here and of course she is 1000s of kilometers a way. I know if she sees this she is going to start crying and what have you, but hey this is life...So if any one can help me with all the stuff..Especially my papers! Please leave a comment!..

Monday, March 07, 2005

بابا آخه چه اشکالي داره آدم بگه من اشتباه کردم ببخشيد؟ باور کنيد اين طرف دنيا همه سياستمدارها خيلي راحت مي پذيرند که يک روندي يا تصميمي اشتباه بوده و هيچي هم ازشون کم نميشه. اين مصاحبه دکتر معين را با توسعه ببينيد؛ حالا کاري با جوابهاي تکراري ندارم ولي آخه مگر دکتر معين شک داره که صدها انتصاب غلط توي تاريخ ۱۰۰سال اخير صورت گرفته؟ چه اشکالي داره در جواب اين پرسش که آيا شما در سن ۳۰سالگي شايسته ترين فرد بوديد براي رياست دانشگاه ؟ آدم بپذيره که حتما شايسته تر از من هم بوده اند. همين چيزهاي کوچيک باعث مي شه کفه ترازو به نفع کساني که مخالف راي دادن هستند و همه اش ميگويند اينها سر و ته يک کرباسند؛ سنگين بشه. نمونه اش همين ديشب که با چند تا از دوستاي نزديک حرف مي زديم و همشون مي پرسيدند که اگر اشتباهاتي به اين سادگي را نمي پذيرند؛ پس فرق اينها با اونطرفي ها چيه؟

دو کلمه حرف حساب از ياسر بشنويد که در مورد آقايان مشارکتي نوشته بعد هم منتظر بشويد ببينيد اين ها با انتقادات دلسوزانه مثل اين چي کار مي کنند

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Winter Festival in Quebec, sculpture made of snow. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

ديشب بعد از مدتها رفتيم خونه يکي از بچه ها و تا ۴ صبح پکر بازي کرديم. خيلي با حاله اين بازي؛ پول حلالي که به دست مي آيد يا از دست مي رود يک مزه ديگري دارد. البته ديشب پروژه دو منظوره بود. چون همين وسطها رفتيم وآ قاي مصي کيک تولد گرفت براي خانم سيبيل گل که ۲۵ روز از من کوچيک تره و در روز ۱۴ اسفند سال ۵۷ به دنيا آمده. سيبيل جونم تولدت مبارک.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Brilliant Article

Stephen Kinzer is one to be discovered. Remember I wrote about his best selling book,"All The Shah's Men", while back? Well, just a few days ago he in a fascinating peace has reviewed a book called "In the Rose Garden of the Martyrs: A Memoir of Iran" by Tehran's correspondent of "The Economist", Mr. Christopher de Bellaigue. By reading this review not only one will get a good idea of what the book is mainly focusing on , but you will also see the clear point of view that he is criticizing the book from as well as laying out alternatives that are all so into the point.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Isfahan....He is my MP

I was going to write about Scotland and how great would it be if we could all go backpacking there in Spring and this travel guide I have from Scotland, but Since some body is in California and is extending the stay for another 5 days, I am going to write about Isfahan. The beautiful city of eastern world, one that still feels like a museum when you walk in it, Being from Isfahan and having lived in that lovely city has put me through so many valuable experiences. The harmony of the little allies and the old beautiful houses like the one of my grandmother, those historic bridges and the indescribable square of "Naghsheh Jahan", all make me miss it sooo much, and don't ask why I wont just sit in the plane and go back...! I remember when I was helping with the campaign of reformist candidates of the city in 2000 parliamentary election, I was close to two of the five in reformist slate, specifically, one was my own professor in university and the other was a journalist, these two were different from the other three and today one of them who is now not only a former MP after being illegally barred by the right winger fundamentalist clerics in 2004 elections, but also in the league of families who experienced the difficult days and months of one member of it being detained for their firm commitment to freedom of speech and democracy, has started a blog. His son was among the recent series of arrests and was released after the details of torture in their case were revealed. here is his blog.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Isn't this, one professional picture? These are small side streets of old Quebec, in a mild winter night in Feb. , It is raining and the lights are just lovely in this city, Fairmont Hotel is in the back ground of this wall which has a painting of all four seasons on it, it just takes you to another world, we took so many pictures and this one was one of the best ones.

and here is the Hotel itself..