Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sharia Law...!!!!

تصورش را بکنيد. اين همه راه را آمديد کانادا که هي شعار تنوع فرهنگي مي ده؛ بعد يک عده از اين مسلمانهاي دو آتيشه (بيشتر پاکستاني) از اين وضعيت سو استفاده مي کنند و مي روند پيش دولت استان و استدلال مي کنند که ما ارزشهاي ديني و خانوادگي!!!! متفاوتي داريم که دادگا ههاي اينجا رعايت نمي کنند چون ارزشهاي غربي!!! دارند-بخوانيد ما مي خواهيم ارث ۲به ۱بين خواهر و برادر تقسيم بشه؛ نه بر اساس ارزشهاي فاسد غربي!! مساوي و هزار تا بلاي ديگه که مي خواهيم سر زنها و دختر هامون بياريم و تاره يک دادگاه هم باشه که تاييدش کنه- و بعد هم گير مي دند که مگه شما نگفتيد تنوع فرهنگها پس بايد اجازه بديد. ‌دولت خل ديوانه هم که مي خواهد از هزينه دادگاه ها کم بکنه و ژست دمکراتيک بگيره؛ اول موافقت مي کنه ولي بعد که صدا همه ما-به ويژه ايراني ها- در آمد يک خانم کانادايي را مي فرسته که تحقيق کنه و گزارش بده. اين خانم هم ورداشته گزارش داده که بعله چه اشکالي داره که مسلمانها دادگاه خودشون را داشته باشند و..... خلاصه زود زنگ بزنيد به نماينده منطقه خودتو ن و اعتراض کنيد..

I did send an e-mail to my MPP(member of provincial parliament) and explained briefly and used one of my friend's letter to explain our position on it-her name is Niaz and she has been very active on the issue and has written this extensive e-mail to her fellow NDP members- and then my MPP responded quickly basically repeating whatever was on that bloody report, so I am going to use the same letter to respond to him soon, but it is such a long e-mail that I wont posted it here but I can send it to any one who wants it and leave a comment but here is my e-mail to my MPP and his response:

Dear Mr. David Zimmer,

I am Bahman Ali Kalbasi, a student who lives in your constituency on#28 Stafford Rd. , Toronto, ON, M2R 1T9. And voted for you in the passed election along with my bother, mother and father. As you might be aware Ontario liberal government appointed former Ontario Attorney General Ms. Marion Boyd to investigate and report on the possible difficulties that establishment of parallel court system based on"Muslim Law" or "Shaira" might cause. This was a response to mountain of complaints by so many Muslim Canadians , in particular Iranian-Canadians and other secular groups, who all raised their serious concern on the issue and warned about the consequences of such move.Unfortunately Ms. Boyd came back with a rather disturbing report.Now it is up to the liberal Government of Ontario to decided if they want to go ahead with these courts ro not. I and my family have always voted liberal and would like to continue doing so, but if this happens Liberals will lose our vote along with so many other Iranians. Below I am attaching a letter written by another Iranian-Canadian, who is an NDP member and since Ms. Boyd is a former NDP member, she is asking her fellow party members to ask the leader Mr.Hampton to oppose this move. The reason I am sending this letter to you is that she sums up most of our criticism of these courts with comprehensive reasoning.

And then he reponded in an e-mail thatI think was one of those already written ones:

Dear Mr. Kalbasi:

Thank you very much for your e-mail regarding Sharia and family law in Ontario. I appreciate the time you've taken to share your thoughts with me.
There are just a couple of points I'd like to clarify. Arbitration by religious authorities for divorce and inheritance cases has been legal in Ontario since 1991, and it was practiced on an informal basis long before that. There is, for instance, Masjid El Noor, an Islamic arbitration service that has been around since 1982. Certain Jewish and Christian denominations also have similar institutions. What the Ontario government is considering doing is regulating a practice that already exists.The Attorney General appointed Marion Boyd, who is a former Attorney General herself and a woman with twenty-five years of experience as an activist on issues of domestic abuse, to investigate the issue and make some recommendations. The government released her report on the day she delivered it, and you can find it on the Internet at http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/about/pubs/boyd/.

Remarkably, after three months of extensive consultation, Ms. Boyd reports that she was unable to uncover a single reliable report of a case where sharia arbitration in Ontario (as opposed to Iran or Afghanistan) turned out to be demonstrably abusive or unjust. In fact, many people who had chosen that route found it vastly more sensitive to their individual needs than the Ontario court system, which can sometimes operate like a revolving door. Ms. Boyd hastens to caution that cases of injustice may nevertheless exist, but she says she hasn't seen a pattern of systemic problems.The Boyd report makes several recommendations that would prevent potential abuses of the system in the future. Right now, officials in the Ministry of the Attorney General are studying her suggestions to determine whether it will be feasible to implement them, and whether we should go further than her report recommends. I find this a fascinating and complex issue, and I'm interested to know what our legal experts will say. No doubt we'll be hearing more about this issue in the future.

Once again, thank you for writing.

David Zimmer,
