Friday, January 14, 2005

go to sleep.

I can't believe it is 1:37 AM eastern time and I have to wake up 6:45 AM and I am still up, but a few things came to my mind, I thought I should write about.
First of all Toronto had the mildest day if its recorded history in the month of January today, 15 degrees C on Thursday Jan 13th! it was such a mild day, most people walked around with out a jacket but all this was like a sweet dream that went away so quickly and now it is snowing out there and in the morning we will be -10 C instead, so how fun is that?

Second, let me tell you that my life from when I was 8-9 years old has had so much politics in it and it has gone into my blood, but when I started this web log, I promised my self to be who I am on here and not turn this place to another fraction of my political life, but to let politics represent itself on here as part of my personality as much as other parts of me should get the chance to be talked about. So there are other things I like to write about and it just happens that the last few days, so many political events has preoccupied me. So I hope with this reminder I could write about other stuff too.

Third, One thing I have figured in my intimate interactions with other people, specifically my past and present relationships, is that it helps me find out who I really am through all these relationships, I have come to understand how out of control or obsessed I can be or selfish even at times, how sometimes I turn to this self centered human and how quickly I allow this tendency that I am "always right" grow in me. At the end of all, I do believe that relationships, even if you get hurt, do give you the chance to get to know your self and if we really get to know our own complex self, we have done a lot. Only then we or I could be in the position to listen to Maya Angelou who says: " If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else. You have succeeded"

Last but not least, I had a very good feeling when I first saw readers from Iran coming here, being away from home is always difficult and any connection with those who live in my beautiful country Iran, has a good taste.