Sunday, January 09, 2005

Letter to Mortazavi

Not exactly the format that I suggested, because I didn't like the idea of addressing Mortazavi directly, but since some people got together and wrote it , we should all respect it, here is their version and here is mine:

Tehran Prosecutor, Said Mortazavi,:

The information leaked out of the meting of the arrested web loggers and president's "committee for protecting the constitution", once more proved that you and your department in judiciary continues to violate the basic human rights of journalists and web loggers on daily bases. It is clear that you use all the inhuman methods of torturing in order to make your innocent detainees confess to crimes they never committed and you prove that you are very successful at it, and in the rare cases that they refuse to obey you, they will become another Zahra Kazemi,.

The only thing you have failed to control is their bravery after being released. They might sit in front of cameras and deny any torture or pressure during the jail time when they are under your control, but as soon as they are free for a few days they will regain their confidence and tell the truth of what really happened to them in your prison cells.

Your latest order to ISPs to block/filter Persianblog, Blogspot and Orkut proves how this small window for young Iranians has frightened you and any method and dirty trick is adopted by you to stop us from talking and scare the brave web loggers. There are credible reports that you are threatening them to death. I as an Iranian web logger and former prisoner of your unjust system warn you that if any harm of any kind is done to either of the 4 web loggers or Mr. Abtahi who wrote about their ordeal in his web log, I will do all I can to inform the international community about your crime against humanity and constant violations of human rights.

Bahman Kalbasi