Sunday, April 03, 2005

John Paul II..BUT

در اينکه ايشان در مقايسه با ديگر پاپ هاي گذشته نسبت به مسايل جهاني و بي عدالتي و خون ريزي حساس تر و براي رفع آنها فعالتر بوده شکي نيست. اما آنچه که آدم اين روزها در ميان تعريف و تمجيد کمتر مي شنود تداوم مخالفت کاتوليکها و پاپ با استفاده از کاندم و نتايج زيانباري که چنين تعاليمي در جلوگيري از گسترش ايدز و جمعيت به ويژه ميان کاتوليکهاي آفريقا داشته و دارد. تازه اگه نخواهيم وارد دعواي حق سقط جنين براي مادران بشويم

I have no doubt that Pope John Paul II was a man of peace and sympathized with poor and lower class and did break a lot of traditions and taboos by traveling to many countries and reaching out to other religions, but one thing that isn't' getting coverage these days is the continuation of extremely conservative policies like opposing the use of condoms, which has certainly created problems for campaign against AIDS especially among African Catholics. I think this should also be a time to remind people of things that are wrong so the next Pope would work towards changing them.